Get a Landing Page Audit

13 min read
Roast My Landing Page

If you run a SaaS business, your landing pages are critical.

They’re the first thing potential customers see when they visit your site; the landing page can make or break your conversions and revenue.

Even a slight optimization can translate to thousands or millions in extra sales!

That’s why a landing page audit (or “roast”) is essential. A fresh set of expert eyes assessing your pages can catch issues you never noticed. With some quick fixes, you’ll transform more visitors into high-value customers.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  1. Why You Need Landing Page Audits
  2. SaaS Landing Page Optimization Tips
  3. How to Audit SaaS Landing Pages
  4. Landing Page Audit Checklist
  5. Hire a Landing Page Expert
  6. Next Steps After Your Audit

Let’s dive in!

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Why You Need Landing Page Audits

Watch a Landing Page Roast
Click the image to watch a landing page roast

Your landing pages directly impact your sales funnel.

Their sole purpose is to convert visitors into leads and customers.

So any issues on those pages can be costly, leading to lost revenue.

Here are 4 vital reasons SaaS companies need regular landing page audits:

Reason 1: Conversion Killers

Your pages may have “conversion killers” you never spotted.

However, an experienced optimizer (CRO) can quickly identify these issues. Common conversion killers include:

  • Tiny UX issues
  • Confusing messaging
  • Poor social proof
  • Slow page loads
  • Weak CTAs
  • Bad audience targeting

An expert spots these rapidly. Fixing them can lead to instant conversion rate boosts.

Reason 2: On-Going Optimization

Landing pages need ongoing testing and refinement.

Regular audits ensure you stay on top of changes in visitor behavior, new innovations, shifting market trends and more.

This constant optimization compounds over time for better results. It’s a competitive advantage.

You do want to stay ahead of your competition, right?

Reason 3: Save Time and Money

It takes time and money to run tests and optimize pages.

Not all tests are successful. Some can even hurt your conversions.

An audit helps you avoid costly mistakes and focus on high-impact changes.

You can invest in proven improvements instead of wasting time and money on poor tests.

A landing page audit is a smart investment.

This is especially true if you spend money on ads to drive traffic to your landing pages.

Audits also highlight quick wins for a fast ROI.

Reason 4: Fresh Perspective

When you stare at something for too long, you get blinded to its flaws.

An outside expert brings a fresh perspective, catching things you missed.

Industry experts catch things even great marketers miss on their own sites.

They can also provide new ideas and strategies you never considered.

Our landing page audits are designed to catch these issues and provide actionable insights to fix them.

We'll help you turn more visitors into customers.

Roast My Landing Page - $350

SaaS Landing Page Optimization Tips

Landing Page Tips

Before perfecting landing page audits, let’s cover some critical areas for optimizing SaaS pages. These concepts will inform how you should structure your own internal audits.

Here are 10 essential SaaS landing page optimization tips:

Tip 1: Highlight Key Customer Benefits

Clearly convey your product’s value proposition. Focus on the top 2-3 benefits for your target customer and highlight these prominently.

Tip 2: Speak to Specific Buyer Personas

Target messaging to your different buyer personas. Outline how you solve point problems for each persona role (e.g. CEO, Head of Product).

Tip 3: Build Trust and Social Proof

Include testimonials, customer logos, security badges, media mentions and other trust signals. These convince visitors your SaaS is legitimate.

Tip 4: Make Signup Easy

Keep forms short with only essential fields. Allow social signup. Set smart form defaults. And offer a generous free trial to reduce friction.

Tip 5: Use Customer-Focused Copy

Write all page copy from the customer’s perspective. Focus on how you help them, not just product features. Use plain language they understand.

Tip 6: Optimize Page Speed

Faster loading speeds mean higher conversions. Compress images, minify code, defer non-critical resources and more for performance wins.

Tip 7: Direct Visitors to Convert

Use smart page layouts, contrast, visual hierarchy and clear CTAs to move visitors towards conversion goals.

Tip 8: Continually Test and Iterate

Keep testing page elements like copy, images, offers and layouts. Analyze results to determine what resonates best with your audience.

Tip 9: Personalize Where Possible

Use tools like persistent banners and overlays to deliver targeted offers based on visitor behavior and attributes.

Tip 10. Set Conversion Benchmarks

Define clear landing page performance benchmarks. Continually monitor metrics vs. targets to guide optimization priorities.

Hire a Landing Page Expert - $350

How to Audit SaaS Landing Pages

Conducting an effective SaaS landing page audit requires a systematic process. Follow these steps for optimal results:

Step 1: Define Goals and Metrics

First, clarify the purpose of each page and metrics for success. Typical SaaS landing page goals include free trial signups, demo requests, newsletter subscriptions or content downloads. Metrics depend on the goal but may include conversion rate, cost per acquisition, visitor dropoff rate and more.

Step 2: Crawl Page Elements and Code

Use tools like ScreamingFrog to crawl each page and review elements including copy, images, videos, CTAs, forms, page speed, HTML code and more at a granular level. Assess against established UX and conversion rate best practices.

Step 3: See Through Visitor Eyes

Eliminate personal bias by assessing each page through target visitor personas’ eyes. Review messaging, positioning and emotional appeal for misalignment with buyer needs and objections.

Step 4: Check Analytics Data

Inspect key landing page analytics like unique visitors, bounce rates, dropoff points, funnel fallout and goal conversions. Compare to benchmarks and prior versions. Surface issues for further investigation.

Step 5: Compare Against Competitors

Run competitor analysis to benchmark landing page performance. Review competitor page designs, messaging, offers and experiences for wins to model and flaws to avoid.

Step 6: Segment Visitors

Divide analytics data by parameters like source, geography, device, persona and more. See if experiences and conversions differ significantly for important visitor segments. Address weak points.

Step 7: Prioritize Opportunities

Compile all audit findings into a single report or presentation. Score each opportunity on estimated impact and level of effort to guide priority. Combine quick wins with longer-term conversion plays.

Hire a Landing Page Expert - $350

Running through this seven-step methodology gives both tactical and strategic insights on how to optimize landing experiences. Now let’s explore some key questions to guide your audits.

Landing Page Audit Checklist

Here is a detailed landing page audit checklist covering crucial areas of analysis:

Messaging and Positioning

  • Does page copy clearly convey product benefits?
  • Is messaging aligned to buyer persona needs and objections?
  • Does messaging focus enough on Tangible results vs. intangibles?
  • Is value proposition compelling and distinct from competitors?

Design and Branding

  • Is branding clear, consistent and professionally executed?
  • Does layout logically guide visitors towards key actions?
  • Are visual hierarchies, contrast and whitespace used effectively?
  • Is aesthetic clean, modern and mobile-friendly?

Content and Media

  • Do media elements like images, video and infographics enhance conversion journey?
  • Is core content succinct, scannable and written for SEO?
  • Are proof elements like testimonials and logos prominently placed?

Forms and CTAs

  • Are forms short, only asking for essential info?
  • Are smart defaults used to reduce friction where possible?
  • Do buttons clearly indicate next steps to visitors?
  • Are CTAs visible without excessive scrolling needed?

Technical Elements

  • Does page load quickly with good Core Web Vitals scores?
  • Is page mobile-responsive across devices and screen sizes?
  • Does page render and function properly across browsers?
  • Does code follow technical SEO best practices?

Analytics Performance

  • How does performance compare week-over-week and month-over-month?
  • Are trends better or worse than defined benchmarks and competitors?
  • Where are biggest dropoff points in visitor journeys?
  • Do conversions differ significantly by source, persona or other segments?

Run every page through this comprehensive checklist to catch conversion killers. Now let’s look at finding the right landing page experts.

Hire a Landing Page Expert

Olly from Roast My Landing Page
Olly from Roast My Landing Page

We have found the best landing page auditor for SaaS companies, Olly from Roast My Landing Page and the co-founder of Senja.

They have a proven track record of delivering high-impact insights that drive significant conversion rate improvements.

They have audited over 850 landing pages and have 20 years of experience in the industry.

We have worked together many times at our SEO agency, and they have always delivered exceptional results.

Hire Olly to get a 15-minute, private video with a 48-hour turnaround and a 100% money-back guarantee if your conversion rate doesn't increase:

Roast My Landing Page
Roast My Landing Page


Get an expert landing page audit from a top-notch marketer. We will review your landing page and provide feedback on how to improve it.


  • 850+ landing pages roasted
  • 20 years of experience
  • 15-minute, private video
  • 48 hour turnaround
  • 100% money-back guarantee
We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

What to Look for in a Landing Page Expert

Not all landing page “gurus” can extract the insights you need from an audit. As you search for help, keep the following tips in mind:

Demand analytics expertise: Auditors should demonstrate extensive analytics skill influencing large conversion programs. Vanity metrics mean nothing without statistical validity testing.

Seek industry specialization: Prior experience optimizing SaaS landing pages is essential. Every niche has unique distinctions an expert auditor must account for.

Require technical competency: The ability to diagnose issues via page code and speed tests is crucial for uncovering hidden UX flaws.

Ask for tangible examples: All claims should be backed by quantifiable examples from past client success stories. Big talk without proof is meaningless.

Gauge communicative ability: The best auditors not only find issues but explain them clearly to clients. Complex problems must be translated into actionable solutions.

Next Steps After Your Audit

The real work starts once your landing page audit report arrives.

Here are 5 key steps to take after your audit:

Step 1: Prioritize Quick Wins

Start with the “low-hanging fruit” requiring little dev work yet driving significant gains

Quick wins are changes that can be implemented quickly and easily, but have a big impact on your conversion rate.

Some common quick wins include:

  1. Adding social proof: Use Senja to collect reviews and display them on your site.
  2. Improving your headline: Improve your copywriting or the black & white idea framework to make your headline more compelling.
  3. Adding a lead capture popup: Use Sumo to add a lead capture popup to your site, offering a discount or a free trial.
  4. Improving your call to action: Make your call to action more compelling and more visible.
  5. Adding a video: Add a video to your landing page to explain your product or service.

Not sure what to do first? Ask your auditor for guidance on quick wins.

Hire a Landing Page Expert - $350

Step 2: Schedule a Roadmap

Plan out a timeline for implementing quick wins and track progress.

The audit report will have a lot of recommendations. It’s important to prioritize them and schedule them on a roadmap. This will help you to focus on the most important things first.

Use a tool like Notion or Trello to create a roadmap and track progress.

Assign tasks to team members and set deadlines for each task.

Once you have implemented the quick wins, you can move on to the larger changes.

Step 3: Define Success Metrics

Before even implementing changes, set clear success metrics:

  1. Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action.
  2. Cost Per Acquisition: The cost to acquire a new customer.
  3. Visitor Retention: The percentage of visitors who return to your site.
  4. Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page.
  5. Average Session Duration: The average amount of time visitors spend on your site.
  6. Signups: The number of new users who sign up for your product.

Track these metrics to measure the impact of your changes, find the numbers before you make changes and compare them to the numbers after you make changes.

Tip: Use Google Analytics, a free web analytics service, to track and report website traffic.

Step 4: Monitor and Retest

Posthog A/B Testing
Source: Posthog A/B Testing

Run regular A/B tests pitting optimized pages against old versions and each other. Let data guide iteration cycles for continuous gains over time. With shifting visitor preferences, what works today might not tomorrow.

Tip: Use Posthog, a free open-source product analytics platform, to track user behavior and run A/B tests.

Step 5: Audit Entire Site

Once you have improved your landing page, don’t stop there.

Pick your next most important page and repeat the process.

Use your analytics to find the pages with the most traffic and the highest drop-off rates. These are the pages that will have the biggest impact on your bottom line.

Usually, the most important pages for a SaaS are the:

  1. homepage (or landing page),
  2. pricing page,
  3. signup page.

It is important to remember that the landing page is just the first step in the customer journey.

Roast My Landing Page

Roast Social Proof
These founders improved their landing page conversion with Roast My Landing Page. You can too!

Getting a roast from a top-notch marketer is a great way to get started.

A single optimization insight can rapidly pay for the cost of the audit.

If your SaaS landing pages haven’t been professionally reviewed yet:
It's time for a landing page audit.

The instant conversion boost will pay for itself many times over.

Get a 100% money-back guarantee, if your conversion rate doesn't increase.

Stop leaving easy money on the table.

Book your landing page audit today and start turning more visitors into customers with a high-converting landing page.

Stop wasting your time and money on marketing. Experience complete calm. Know that your landing page is working over-time to turn more visitors into customers. Roast me for $350. 100% money-back guarantee if your conversion rate doesn't increase

Ilias is a SEO entrepreneur and marketing agency owner at MagicSpace SEO, helping small businesses grow with SEO. With a decade of experience as a CTO and marketer, he offers SEO consulting and SEO services to clients worldwide.

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